Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Muffins and Cookies

Today Peyton and I made chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal raisin muffins. The muffins turned out OK but they had an after taste like too much baking powder. The cookies on the other hand were delicious! We had a nice afternoon sampling treats and baking. We haven't been buying many snacks in order to keep within our budget. But it's funny what a bag of flour, some butter and sugar can make. You a few simple ingredients you can make a lot of things. This week we have made biscuits, dumplings, cookies, muffins, and cornbread. Not a bad list considering most of them are using the same ingredients. I never knew how many things used baking powder.

In case you are interested in trying our yummy cookies click on this recipe we used... I really enjoy the recipes from this site.

We made a few changes. We used white sugar instead of the Sucanat. We also used regular chocolate chips. IT was a fairly easy recipe with the exception that the dough is really thick. Anway, all the mixing is done with a blender and it was easy.

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